Max meets L (a little flashback...)

Thursday, September 09, 2010

I was doing some computer back-ups and got distracted looking at files I had saved on the external hard drive. I ran across the video from the day Max got to meet his daughter. He wasn't able to be at her birth (he was at school - oh Marine Corps - and couldn't be here - although we were able to get him on skype during her birth - not in an awkward way, don't worry), but came home the next weekend to meet her. This video made me smile for a few reasons: 1. This was his very first time holding a baby and it makes me laugh to see him with her. 2. He didn't want to call his mom at the same time he was holding her. Bwa ha ha. 3. It's cute that he knew exactly how long it had been since she had been born. "6 days." 4. I love the "she's mine...don't take this from me". 5. Her sneezes crack me up! So teeny and she's so little!!! 6. I also laugh when Max says, "Look, mom's skinny again" - the last time he had seen me I had been HUGELY preggo with her! 7. I just love seeing his face and hearing his voice :)

Anyways, y'all might not find this as amusing as I did, but here you go:

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  1. That is so sweet and what a beautiful moment! Thank you for sharing!!

  2. Thanks for sharing this special moment Kaylee! :)
    What an amazing little family you've got there!!

  3. I love how she's just staring up at him - too sweet!



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