Our SUPER warm day.

Monday, August 09, 2010

I can't call our day hot, because after discussing temperatures with my husband, I realize that the temps here are simply very warm compared to where he is. So I say that it's warm out. Today was VERY warm out. And I mean, VERY! It was in the 90's (and with the sun beating down, easily in the 100's) - plus that blasted humidity - BLEH! For those of us in MN, that's WARM!

But in spite of the very warm temps, we had a grand day. This morning, we went to a free performance that our city was holding outside. It was a performance of Aztec dancers - it was super neat! They must have been SO warm though - they had to move off the black-bottomed performance space because their feet were getting burned (it is an outdoor amphitheater)! L and I missed the first 10 minutes of the performance, but caught the last part. There was loud drumming, cool dance moves and super sweet costumes with crazy long pheasant and turkey feathers. L thought it was fun to watch/listen to and kept pointing at the drum. After the performance was over, I got the grand idea to walk down the street to check out a store. I think Auntie Aimee was going to punch me for making that call - we were both sweating buckets by the time we arrived. It was SO warm!

After lunch, I thought it would be the perfect day for some pool time. So we set the blow-up giraffe pool up, filled it with cold water and I plopped L into it. I sat right outside and stuck my feet in - it felt AMAZING!!! L got bored with the water after about 25 minutes, so it was then time for her first popsicle experience! I had made up some fruit juice popsicles yesterday and today was the PERFECT day for L to have one! She thought it was great fun and it was a blast watching her figure it out!

This warm day has worn me straight out. I am off to eat some chocolate peanut-butter ice cream and then go to sleep!! Enjoy our pictures!

Our lovely set-up. L, playing with her toys in the water. Me, with my feet cooling off. I know it's dark, but you can totally see my big huge belly protruding...

Trying out her popsicle.

Uh, L, wrong end...

I love this girl.

She thought this was great!

Then she got a genius idea to play in the water while holding her popsicle. Of course, she dropped it...

...and it floated away...

I got it back for her. After she splashed herself in the face, ha ha!

Finishing her popsicle up.

I'll leave you with her silly face. We finally came in from the warm. She was playing and making silly faces - just being herself :)

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