Cherry on top?!?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Kelsey over at Far from the Safe Harbor hooked me up with some bloggy love by giving me the Cherry on Top Award! Thanks Kelsey - that was sweet of you!!


The rules of the award dictate that I name three things I love about myself and pass the award onto five of my bloggy friends.

1. I love my love for sweets/desserts/baking, particularly chocolate. Some of my favorite "bored moments" are searching for lovely recipes to try out, always searching for delicious things to concoct and enjoy!

2. I love my scars. I haven't shared much of my background story here on my blog, because I started the blog for friends and family who all know and have already heard my story. I will have to start a series at some point sharing that story. But for now, just know that I have some significant scars on my leg from some major surgical procedures. The Dr. used to tell me that they could do plastic surgery on them to make them smaller and less noticeable, but I never could do that. I want to always remember where I've been and what I've been through because it's made me the woman I am today. One of the things that won my heart when I was dating Max was when we talked about what I went through and he gently touched a few of my scars and told me that to him, they are beautiful and are fingerprints of Jesus. It made me cry, it touched my heart so much.

3. I love how organized I am (or can be!!!). It drives me crazy to have things out of place or "messy". It makes me feel great to have things in order and for everything to have it's place.

I would love to pass this lovely award onto these lovely ladies:

Kristen @ Hope Abound

I love reading all of their blogs and always look forward to reading new posts and hearing about their lives/what they make or cook/their perspectives on life!

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  1. Congrats on your award! Thats so sweet of your hubby, that almost made me tear up!! lol :)

  2. You are so welcome! And the scar thing def made me cry... =\

  3. Love that you're embracing what makes you beautiful and unique!



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