test results.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

i was thinking today that i had forgotten to mention how L's ECG had turned out. the nurse called and told me that everything had looked great in the test. and that we didn't need to worry about the murmur. good to know. and we also went to see the pediatric urologist last week to check on her little lonely kidney (L only has one, to remind y'all). the ultrasound showed that her kidney IS growing, but not a huge amount. the hydronephrosis (a nice way to say that there is extra fluid in the kidney) is still there and looks the same. so basically, it has not gotten any better, but also hasn't gotten any worse. so for now, we just keep monitoring it and we'll check back in with the urologist in a few months. so that is our news with all our dr. appointments from last week.

other updates: the weather has been absolutely amazing this weekend. the gloomy rain, cold and grey have finally lifted and it was warm, sunny and beautiful out yesterday and today. made me smile! L and i spent a few hours each day just sitting outside with some good friends. definitely makes me eager for summer and more gorgeous days!

we are going to visit a dear friend tomorrow and will be staying a few days. i'm excited! it'll be a nice break and will be fun to catch up and to just relax. we also plan to do a little shopping. i am needing to find a dress to wear to a wedding that is coming up. and want to find one that is growable enough that i would be able to wear it later this summer when my belly gets all big and round. hey! the good thing about being preggo again is that i can wear all my clothes again! get some good use. except that i feel kinda tired of them - i was only out of them for a few months, ha ha!

i think i am going to start my own wedding wednesday. now, i know am already married, we've had our wedding and reception, but i wanted a place to remember, to share details and more importantly, to share some pictures. but we have a LOT of pictures and instead of overwhelming two or three posts with them, i figure i can do it over a few weeks or a month or two. so every wednesday for awhile, i'll post some photos from our days, with short stories or special moments. i haven't had a chance to really share pictures yet, so am excited to do it! plus, it'll give me a chance to think back on it all (not that it was very long ago, ha!) and share a little more about maxwell and i.

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