quick update.

Monday, February 15, 2010

so...i finally got new photos up. they are from the past week and some of the time we have spent with maxwell so far. and i posted a video! my first posted video on the blog. there are three clips of L. figured it would be fun to highlight her laughing...she is quite a giggly, happy girl! and then in the last clip, you can see her grab her rings (she is getting better and better!) and she loves to shake anything she gets her hands on! it's really fun! often times hits us in the face or something, lol!

we have a few more days with maxwell before he has to leave. dunno if i mentioned it, but all his buddies have to leave within the next 24 hours. they didn't have room for a handful of guys, so a few of them that had all of their stuff done AND had wives/children, get to leave a few days later. so we get a few more days with him, which rocks. still feels completely surreal that he is going to leave and be gone for at least a year. i think it's because i have grown so accustomed to saying goodbye every weekend or every month. so it's trying to get myself to understand that when i say goodbye this time, i won't see him next weekend or get a phone call when he arrives safely! it'll hit me soon, i know.

we are having a blast here. we are staying at a house about 20 minutes from base (although base is so big, that it takes 45 minutes to get from the house to his shop on base!!!) and it is on an island called north topsail beach. it's pretty sweet. we are about a block from the ocean and can hear it when we open the windows. it is really pretty. actually nice and quiet around here, because it's winter. i am sure it is really busy and exciting in the summer time. the weather has been pretty nice. although we did get snow last weekend! totally shut everything down! it was so cool to have snow and then look out and see the ocean! totally crazy!

just been hanging out, relaxing and enjoying our last few days together. we have gone for walks on the beach, found cool shells/sea stuff, cooked meals together, played with L, had a pajama day, made it almost all the way through a harry potter movie marathon, and checked out some stuff in the area. it's been a lot of fun! and L is doing really well! hope y'all like the photos and the video!

2/16 addendum: our lovely wedding photographer has posted wedding photos!! woot! there are photos from the wedding on the 22nd and a very few from the 27th (she is still working on the remainder from the 27th...). if you want to check them out, go to http://www.keelyjoyphotography.com/clientgallery/main.php and click on max & kaylee december 22, 2009! be warned - there are LOTS! but enjoy them!

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