and it begins.

Friday, February 19, 2010

maxwell left yesterday morning, early early! we had to be on base at 0200 (that's 2am in the morning!). hung out with him until 0330, then he loaded on the bus and they rolled out around 0420. we got L in her carseat and she slept until we got to base. but i think it was much too busy for her, so she woke up, was giggly and played for about an hour. then fell asleep super hard. she did really well and slept in with me that morning, which was great, as i had to drive back to charlotte that afternoon.

earlier this week, we didn't do anything too crazy. maxwell got a new tattoo. i'll have to post a pic of that soon. it's one he's wanted for quite awhile...the hebrew characters for YHWH, or 'I AM WHO I AM". it's pretty awesome and wraps around his torso. he had to work a few days, but other than that, we finished our harry potter marathon, hung out together, played with L and got things ready for him to go. it was hard saying goodbye - it didn't feel real. i think i have gotten so used to seeing him on weekends and having to say goodbye every sunday, that it didn't quite hit me that this goodbye was a lot different. he was ready to go and excited to be doing what he's been training to do, although definitely sad to be leaving us.

he will be in afghanistan within the next week and they will start getting acclimated to the country before moving to their assignment location. if anyone wants his address, i can pass it along. i know he would love letters, packages or any other form of encouragement! my dad flies into charlotte on sunday and then he, myself and L are going to drive back to MN on monday and tuesday. i am excited to get back to MN, to be home, to sleep in my own bed and see family and friends. the only thing i am not looking forward to is the colder weather! i have been spoiled by this nice, often sunny and warm weather!!! oh well - nothing huge! i have some new photos from the morning max left. enjoy!

last family photo for awhile.

hanging with daddy at 230am!

she was wide-awake almost the whole time, lol!

daddy's angel.

hands. my fav.

and then, she crashed. go figure!

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