L's first bath

Saturday, November 14, 2009

or i suppose i should title this one, 'L's first "real" bath, as she's been getting a sponge bath every few days. but finally her umbilical cord/belly button area healed and she was able to have her first immersed bath last weekend. she was a rockstar and did so well. only time she cried was when i took her out...i think she got cold then :)

it's hard to believe that ms. L will be one-month old tomorrow! where does the time go?!? i have no idea! it's fun to see her start doing new things. this week she started following objects with her eyes. and the past few mornings, after she wakes up and eats, she will sit in her bouncy seat and look around, make fun noises (giggles and squeaks) and just be happy for awhile. it makes us laugh. she is generally a content and laid-back baby. although she definitely has her drama queen moments!

L and i will be going to north carolina in a few weeks to visit maxwell. he has days off at thanksgiving but won't be coming home (so he can come home at christmas time), so we are going down there to hang out with him! we'll leave after turkey day and spend a few days in nc with him. it'll be interesting...maybe i am crazy to take L by myself in the airport and on a plane...oh well...the things one does to spend time together as a family...plus, i think she'll be good and sleep most of the time anyways. i think the harder part will be navigating all her stuff (stroller, carseat, her thousand clothes she'll need for a few days...) through mass quantities of people. i am excited to see max and to spend those days with him, and for him to have time to spend with ms. L.

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