
12 in 2012. November Edition.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

{Image by Dani}

Last week was a little busy, trying to get everything done, so the November edition of my 12 goals in 2012 is a bit late.  And to be honest, there is not much change from last month.  

1. Community Living: Women's Bible study is going well, and I am slowly starting to get to know a few of the women that attend.  We are doing a great study right now, on Godly Womanhood, which I think is so, so relevant. 

2. Physical Activity: Other than occasional walks during the week and running after toddlers all day long, I have done nothing in the realm of working out.  I go in this week for my post-partum check-up, so am looking forward to starting some workouts again.  

3. Read 15 books: I have read no books this last month, save my Bible.  There has been no time!  

4. Manual photography skills: Still shooting mostly in manual.  I really need to find some online or local course to take - I feel like I need more direction in learning my camera/photography skills.

5. Outside walks/playtime: Although it takes a little longer to get all 3 babies ready to go on a walk to the park, we manage to get out a few times a week, depending on the weather.  The last few days have been gray and rainy, but we've been riding bikes/cars in the garage.  

6. Creative and structured toddler activities: Nothing new here.  They help me with my daily tasks - laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc, and we play a lot/read books, but I have done nothing with anything super structured.  And that's fine.  The time will come!

7. Journal consistently: I have not pulled out my journal in quite awhile.  Which makes me sad.  I know that it is such a good outlet for me, and I know how much I enjoy it - I need to make the time to sit down a few times a week and just write out my thoughts.  Maybe I just need a new, cute journal to motivate me?!

8. Date night 1x/month: Max and I went to the Marine Corps Ball this past weekend.  First time leaving all three kids at home for the evening.  Such a good time!

9. Grow a garden: My garden grew, and now is gone, although Max transplanted my parsley plant out back by the trash, as a joke, and it's doing great, which cracks me up!

10. 10 min/day of "be still and know" time: I have not been taking a set time, or anything planned.  But I have a lot of sitting time while nursing Evie - does that count?!

11. Craft time: nothing new here.  I have some ideas of some Christmas decor I want to make, but we'll see if I can make the time for it...

12. Baby #3: Goal achieved!

Hard to believe that it's almost December, which means that 2012 is almost over!  How in the world does the time go so quickly - I will never know!  Next month, I'll do a wrap-up of the entire year.  Oy.

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  1. Hello,

    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?

    I look forward to hearing from you,


    1. Sure! Send me an email at maxandkaylee@gmail.com, and I'll get back to you.



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