
11 in 2011. October Edition.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

{Image courtesy of Dani @ Hard Corps Love}

It's that time of the month again.  Time for me to sit back and think about the goals I laid out for myself at the beginning of the year.  To take stock of what I have been spending my time on - where I have been exerting my energies - to see how I've been growing and changing and intentionally seeking to improve on the goals I laid out for myself.

1. Read 12 new books: I am happy to say that we went to the library a few weekend ago, and I picked out a few books.  I am halfway through Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers and am LOVING it.  I can't wait to finish it and get on to the second book.  I am also reading through a book about Basset Hounds, which is super entertaining and fun to read.  

2. Try 2 new recipes: I have been trying new recipes like crazy around here.  Chicken Andouille Gumbo. Pumpkin Oat Pecan Muffins.  Turkey Enchilada Casserole. Coffeecake Muffins. Sally Ann Cookies.  Jamaican Red Bean Stew.

3.  Lose the 'baby house' weight: I am proud to say that I finally got serious about losing weight this past month.  And started really counting my calorie intake, as well as intentionally making time to work out nearly every day.  I have already lost a few pounds, which helps encourage me to continue, and makes me feel more confident about myself.

4. Read (at least) one chapter in the Bible every day: This was going pretty well, and then it wasn't.  I am ashamed to say that I have not been reading my Bible as much as I want the past few weeks.  Wow, what a kick-in-pants it is to see and think about that.

5. Tell my babes I love them every.single.day: Golden.

6. Grow something green: My plants (outside and inside!) are still alive!  

7. Get outside and walk every day: We take at least one walk a day, but usually end up going out for two...unless it's raining, like it has been the past few days...and then, I feel trapped inside...

8. Use less. Conserve more: Um yeah, about that.  Working on this one.  I am definitely needing some ideas and creativity.

9. Take more pictures. Capture everyday moments. Record more video: I am doing better at this, woo-hoo!

10.  Spend less. Save more: Once again, all I can really say about this is that we are spending less, but that doesn't mean we are saving more.  It just means we have less money to spend and thus, less money to save.  Money has been a big stressor this past month and although we budget and keep very tight control over the money that we make, it's still hard.

11. Be more intentional: Trying.  Making baby steps.  Slowly, but surely.

My brain just sacked out on me.   I blame the little sleep I've been getting due to the all the commotion surrounding Ezra and his mishap.  I have nothing else to say right now about my goals.  I am just proud I got them accounted for this month.  Whoa - and it also just hit me that I have two months left and then it's time to wrap 2011 goals up - where in the world has this year gone?!

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  1. I always love reading these posts of yours!

    I've been trying to cook a lot more lately, too. Are you on Pinterest? I've found several recipes on there. :)

  2. I agree - spending less and saving more is so hard!



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