Random Thoughts on a Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1. I love getting my hairs cut.  I just feel so great afterwards!

2. When I was leaving the house to go to my hair appointment, I mentioned to Max that we didn't have much to eat (I was also making a grocery shopping stop on my way home...we REALLY didn't have much to eat...), he assured me that he would make something delicious for him and L.  I questioned him, but he refused to tell me what he would be concocting for them.  I came home, new hair and groceries in tow, and as I was putting the groceries away, I noticed a box of pizza on the bottom shelf.  He ordered made pizza for dinner!  Ha ha!  I got a good laugh out of that.  I guess next time I am gone around dinner time, I should pre-make a casserole to pop in the oven!

3. I love pizza.  Just saying.

4. We got our clownfish last week!  I'll get pictures up soon!  They are SO cool!

5. This is going to sound really lame, but I like sweeping.  And mopping.  And vacuuming.  I know, I know, there must be something wrong with me.  But it's just so satisfying to know I am cleaning all the dirt and grime up off the floor.  And then, to have a clean floor - it's the best feeling ever.

6. Listening to the radio tonight, they were talking about this video.  So I came home and just had to watch it.  And you should too.  It's neat-o.  Plus, I just like the song.  So watch it!

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  1. I love that you said hairs cut.. I do the same!

    I love pizza too.

    And I love dusting and vacuuming..I don't think you're crazy. haha

  2. That is a REALLY cool video I'm so glad you shared!



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