
Our Week.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I feel as though I haven't posted in awhile - I know it's only been a few days (or has it?!), but it feels like much longer. Blogging has definitely taken a backburner to learning to juggle life with two babies - and I was also a little distracted the past few weeks while my dear husband was at home :) I'll share a little bit about this week and update on our family. And an update in photos will be coming shortly, I promise!!

The Z man is doing well. We took him in for a check-up last week - he was already almost back up to his birth weight, which is great - and the Doc says he is doing/looking wonderful. Ezzy did have a bunch of goo coming out of his eyes, but the Doc assured us that it was simply blocked tear ducts and we were to massage it a few times a day - they are much better. He is a super good eater - I feel like he's always eating or always hungry - that's what I get for making big babies, I suppose! He also sleeps well - we usually get up 2-3 times a night (that's anywhere between 2200 and 0730) to feed him, but he typically goes back to sleep after eating, so I have been getting right around 6 hours of sleep - not terrible, by any means. I am still very eager for when he starts sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches (right now, it's right around 3 hour stretches...). Overall, Ezzy seems to be a pretty content baby. He's happy to hang out in his bouncy seat or lay on his floor mat and gaze around when he's awake.

L is walking!!!! Hooray! She took her first very own steps while her daddy was home and has gotten much braver over the past few weeks - now she'll walk from the living room to the kitchen all by herself multiple times during the day. I am just waiting for her to start running :) Other than the first few nights, in which L thought it was horrible that we were getting up for Ezzy and not for her (and she screamed for hours...), she has done wonderful with her brother. She is interested in him and likes to touch him, point to his nose, feel his hair - and she tries to share her toys with him. We have to remind her to be gentle, but for a 1-year old, I think she is doing well with having him here.

Max left at the beginning of the week. R&R was great - but it did feel like a slight tease. Just when you think you are getting used to having your husband/daddy home, you have to say good-bye all over again. Don't get me wrong - it was absolutely fantastic having him here and I wouldn't trade it for anything - but saying goodbye is never fun. At least it's only a few more months and he'll be home for good (at least for awhile, right?!?!) - I can't wait for him to be home (and to actually come to our very own house!!) and to be together as a family!

I think I am still in shock that Max was able to be here for the Z man's birth - that was such an amazing blessing and only something that God could coordinate! It still makes me get all teary-eyed to think that God had that whole entire thing planned out from the beginning - what a great reminder of how awesome God is - and how much He really does have our best in mind, even when we can't see or understand it. Having Max home was wonderful - watching him with our babies, seeing L get to know him again, and being able to spend time with him was just oh so good for my heart. Being able to hug him and kiss him and hold his hand was such a beautiful thing. After nine months of missing him more than I could explain, those 2 weeks of R&R were priceless. And I really wouldn't trade it for anything. Now I just begin my counting down until the end of deployment!

While Max was home, we had family/newborn photos taken - they turned out SO good! I can't wait to share some - I'll be working on posting some this week, so stay tuned! We move in the next few weeks, so on top of figuring life out with two babies, I am busy getting stuff prepared for the move - lots of calls, renewals, copies to make, packing to be done, etc. I am eager for the move (although I am going to miss MN and my lovely, amazing friends and family who are entirely too good to me and my kiddo's) and to be in our own house! The trip down will be quite the adventure - with two babies, a truck full of all of our stuff and a cat - I am sure there will be stories to tell :)

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  1. Can't wait to see the pics!! Yay for L walking!! :)

  2. Whew! L walking right when you bring home a new baby. What a handful! I'm impressed with how awesome you are in holding down the fort with your fam. I know I wouldn't want to move across country with two babies in tow all by myself.

  3. You are such a strong and gracious woman. I can just tell by how thankful you are and how well you are handling all this by yourself.

    Hang in there. Like you said, God has your best in mind.

    I'm so happy to hear the kiddos are getting along swimmingly. Can't wait to see your family pictures!



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