monday ramblings.

Monday, May 24, 2010

so here i am. it's monday afternoon. and it's hot out. and i love it. except that the heat is draining. oh man, oh man! tomorrow we leave for california, for my cousin's wedding festivities. the dog has been dropped off at the kennel, the laundry is all done and the packing is in the preliminary stages. that is what i need to get to work on next.

tomorrow i am 18 weeks preggo. forgive the lack of photo this week. i'll get one up next week, hopefully. i have been feeling the little blueberry moving quite a bit in the last week or so. it's always such a cool feeling - and i marvel at the precious little being that God has made in my belly. i have been emotional lately. today i had horrible road rage, which normally doesn't happen. i got angry that the light turned red. it was actually rather funny. and last week i cried at every little thing; from the 'thank you military' billboard, to the pigs in the slaughter truck (why? i dunno! i eat meat. i know the reality. and yet, it made me want to cry. i blame hormones!), to the show home makeover extreme edition (i started tearing up two minutes into the show, ha ha!). and i am still craving cheese. lots of cheese. and root beer. and bagels with cream cheese.

i heard from my dear husband the other day. the base he is at finally has wifi and they are starting to have access to it. so i got a message online, with hopes of potential skype or webcam dates in the future. even if it is just chat, how cool! but the hope of being able to see him on the screen (or better yet, for him to see L!) is fabulous! no big news with him. he says it's hot, he works all the time and seems to be doing well, which i was glad to hear.

mel at head in the game, heart in the sand is hosting a giveaway. check her blog out (it's pretty great!) and enter the giveaway! i'm off to get packing - do you even know how much stuff you have to travel with when you have a baby?! i may not be on much this next week, but will get photos and updates when we get back!

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  1. It's always so nice when you can finally webcam and chat online! It's one of my favorite things while Al's gome.

    BTW - thanks for the shout out!

  2. Hi! I can't remember if I wrote back to you, but I wanted to say thanks for following my blog! I'm following you back! (It's been a long week! LOL!)

  3. Packing and travelling with babies is always hard not to over pack. I have to pack for leave soon for my 3 year old and my 20 month old and I know it will be hard not to want to bring all their cutest outfits.

    Also, there is a blog award waiting for you on my blog!



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