easter faces, take one.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

we had a fabulous easter. went to a service at papa d's church. then headed over to gma's house for easter dinner/family fun times. we, of course, stuffed ourselves with delicious food, had some good conversation and enjoyed the gorgeous weather. i have posted pictures of L and i from easter. i have many more from that day, but this is the first batch. i know that there are a lot of similar ones, but L's faces are just too funny to pass up! enjoy the many faces of L - there will be more to come!

maxwell just called! i love my husband! holy smokes - the joys a phone call can make! he is doing really well, making the most of what he's doing and where's he at. i feel like i'm on cloud nine right now! he called yesterday and i thought that was going to be my only phone call for at least a week, so when he got to call again today, it was AWESOME! we got to just talk and laugh and share silly stories and updates and it was fabulous! i sure do miss him! but hearing his voice and being able to share what's going on is a huge blessing! he finally got the easter package that i sent him (it was filled with silly things, like bubbles, bouncy balls, jelly beans and plastic eggs, lol!), plus another package from some of his dear friends, which really made his week! i am now trying to come up with more creative package ideas. sending the same boring stuff is just so mundane! and he doesn't need many toiletries at this particular time, just wants fun treats. so i am on a quest to think of fun, creative themes for packages. if anyone has some good ideas, clue me in!

little L and i have been having some interesting nights this past week. she has been waking up anytime around 0200 or 0300 in the morning and laying in her bed for an hour laughing and playing. what is up with that?! yeah, i would sure like to know! not funny to me! plus, she has been rousing a bit, usually 4 or 5 times during the night and i have to get up and give her the pacifier back. it's getting a bit annoying, so i am trying to figure out to teach her that she either doesn't need her pacifier to go back to sleep or that she can get it herself. it's hard, because if i don't give it to her at all, it's a complete toss-up - sometimes she is just fine and sleeps great without it, but other times she screams and gets so worked up that she won't fall asleep. so i am doing my research and trying to figure out what is going to work best for us. we'll see what happens. plus, the waking up in the middle of the night - so far, i have been feeding her to make sure she is not hungry, then i just turn the light back out and ignore her (i sure as heck don't want her to think it's wakey time!) and she eventually goes back to sleep. oh the joys of having an almost 6-month old :)

i have been wanting a change. so i think i am going to change up the blog a bit, since it's an easy change to make, ha ha. don't be alarmed if it looks different in the next few days :)

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  1. L's dress is the same as Paige's except Paige's was pink with a white bolero. Too funny we have so much of the same stuff! Glad you got to talk to your hubby today and yesterday too!!!



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