is it spring yet?!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

i love being back in MN, although i am eager for warmer weather! i was spoiled by the north carolina warmth and lack of snow! i do have to say, though, that because i got a break from the cold and snow, it's not as horrible as it normally would be. you see, i don't do well in the winter time. i mean, don't get me wrong...i love the snow and the cold...but only for a short time. then, the gray, short days start to get to me and i get more and more tired, lethargic and less motivated. the sun is what gives me energy! so, i am ready for spring. for some of this snow to melt and to get outside with L! i am nervous to brave the sidewalks with her still (at least with her in the front carrier), because there is still a lot of ice and my chances of slipping are pretty large (i can be a bit clumsy, lol)! but overall, i am so glad to be back here. it's strange - although it is home because i grew up here and my family is here (who are fantastic) - it is not quite home, because max isn't here too. it's cool how home has become wherever we are with max. i like that. a lot.

speaking of my dear husband, i had the privilege of hearing his voice for a solid minute last weekend! and got a message from him last week online! that's good, right?! at least i have heard from him. i know he is super busy, getting acclimated, taking classes and doing whatever else they are doing! and although it would be nice to hear from him more often, i am so thankful for what i am given. it was so good to just hear his voice for those 60 seconds. i miss him a lot. it's crazy that it's only been two weeks! oy vey! many many more weeks to go! lately, i have been missing him and there is this part of me that really wants to get all crazy and rant and rave at people about how much i miss him all the time. but i know that would not be productive, would not make me feel any better, and would probably just be downright annoying! so i am trying my best to be positive, to find things to do (baking, anyone?!) and to keep checking off the days as they pass. and i am also challenging myself to make the most of every moment, to enjoy it all. it's hard when you are counting down days and waiting so fervently for something, to really stop and "smell the roses". so i am working on being intentional to not get so caught up in the end, that i lose sight of the journey. because even though this particular journey can feel a little lonely, long and sad, it is still a journey and i am certain that God has lots to teach me through it.

little ms. L is doing well. she is finally re-adjusted to the time here in MN and has re-found her schedule during the day. we normally get up around 730, she takes 2 or 3 naps during the day between playtime and eating, then goes to sleep for the night around 730pm. she is only getting up once during the middle of the night still. usually around 1 or 2am. but a couple nights a week, she makes it all the way through. so i think within the next few weeks, she will stop waking up entirely during the night! which would rock! to get some un-interrupted sleep would be lovely! she loves having people (her grandma and grandpa!) around to entertain her. and tends to be quite the distraction! she has gotten really good at rolling from her stomach to her back, but is still working on the other way around.

the up with people cast (check out up with people at is here in the twin cities this week. so kyle and two other students from the cast are staying with us. there are lots of activities going on and there will be two shows this weekend. it'll be fun to see a current show, and i am even going to take L one of the nights. i know it'll be past her bedtime, but we gotta live a little once in awhile. and i know she will love it. the lights, singing, dancing and bright colors will certainly capture her attention! plus, she has to be exposed to up with people at a young age :) i have taken a few photos lately. i will try to get them up in the next day or two. i am off to finish the biscotti i am making, and then get my precious girl up from her nap!

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