It all started with a craigslist ad for a free couch on the curb. Max and I were headed home from dropping the kids off at my parents for a few days, back in December of last year. We had an empty van, and I had always wanted a cool "old" couch, so it became craigslist adventure time. The couch had decent bones,...
I get asked often how we are doing. I feel like now that Max has been gone about a month, we are settling into a nice rhythm and routine here, although we definitely feel his absence. The first couple weeks weren't too bad, as we are fairly used to him being gone a few weeks at a time for training. But now that...
I celebrated my birthday last week! The kids and I didn't do anything crazy, but it was a good day!! Emma and I went out to use my birthday money, in the morning while the kids were at school, and to get my free coffee. I skyped with a dear friend during nap time, and then we picked up In N Out Burger...
The kids had their Spring Break a week ago, and we headed to my parent's house in the desert. We spent just over a week with them, and had a great time there. We were able to see my brother perform in an Opera at the University - Eliana and Evie were able to attend, and he did awesome! We got to...
I love making and working on goals. No big surprise there! I didn't make a ton of goals at the start of 2017 - it was more of a stick-to-the-ones-that-were-going-already-going-well. But I've been thinking about how to make this time with Max gone as good as it can be. And for me, making some goals and habits I can work on is important....